For those unaware I have been on Truth Social for a while, the smaller tidbits posted there enable that to be updated far more frequently than this blog: look for my screenname BaronSFel001 in my thankfulness it is not another one of those stingy platforms that disrespect anonymity. Because for the sake of home and family I consciously keep my internet and real-life identities on different planes; someone who really wanted to could find out who I am with some effort but knowing that helps keep me honest (fair warning that anyone who tracks me down for doxing purposes will put whomever engages in harassing my family at risk of getting plugged full of holes ranging from .22 to .45 caliber). Discretion is advised since none of the qualms I have about getting political on this blog apply there; after all such free expression on the things that matter was the purpose behind its founding in the first place, correct?
Two months ago at my own workplace I had to deal with pronouncements of Pride support, see not only my objections get overruled (which I expected) but also find out it is official company policy to promote "oppressed" groups while in turn marginalizing Christians from being able to have their own employee group. As overviewed last post June came with great victories for the causes of life and liberty from the US Supreme Court, and with it all over the internets came the true colors of those who shift Left. How it manifested among the gaming entities I have loved was less than fortunate.
Apogee Software rainbowed their logo on Twitter and posted the meme "reproductive rights are human rights" while pretty much the same was committed by Bethesda Softworks (id Software); fortunately Epic Games did no such thing which is thankful because I have a family friend who works there. Sega was all over the news supporting the "transition" of "transgender youth" and then after the SCOTUS decision committing to match employee donations to pro-abortion activist organizations. Microsoft and Sony were already long gone but I had abandoned the latter quite a while ago while I patiently exploit ways to acquire content from the former without giving them any of my money; yours truly has no future plans to collect a Nintendo Switch but that company at least seems intent to hold onto neutrality (or vestiges of their ancient family-friendly image).
There are three types of consumers: 1) those who shop with no care regarding what the merchants they patronize do with their profits, 2) those who are philosophically-aware but weigh it as only one factor of many in their purchasing decisions, and 3) those who consciously pick and choose preferred investments based on shared values [at or least political neutrality] before other factors. I fit into Category 1 back in my more naïve years but transitioned from Category 2 towards Category 3 starting a decade ago; while much of my family is Category 2 but there is less difference between 2 and 1 than there is between 2 and 3. For sure endeavoring to keep one's money in correspondence with values is an impossible task (even more so in light of the past couple years' wave of wokeness permeating the corporate world) and some will advise it is not worth the trouble, but that is an individual decision based on the state of one's heart.
Sacrificing enjoyment of that which I know contributes to wrong while subduing right has not been easy, but every mature person knows it a real world rather than an ideal one in which we all live. As we strive to become more perfect while aware achieving that ultimate end is impossible in this life, it is enough so long as we journey through life making the most of what we have. There are already too many people who live for getting what they want out of life instead of contributing to a better world, but with spiritual perspective I can know what real Truth is plus understand that doing right will always be worth it.
On the political side of things (which, I promise, will take a sabbatical from the blog after this post) I have fought the good fight my whole adult life and am certainly not about to quit now. On the practical side: 1) there are generally no issues with gun topics so that can keep going as-is; 2) on gaming and computer systems this is a retro site anyway so even those named companies that now promote depravity in 2022 have a legacy that will still be worth exploring...I simply will not be buying any new titles or remakes from them. Sad in the case of Apogee but I can live without the "HD" upgrades of their classic side-scrollers; especially-sad in the case of Sega, whom I have been loyal to for decades, but they made their choice so I now proclaim Sonic Origins will be the last of their new productions I ever purchase.
In conclusion I would like to help others in the same boat with some of the resources I use. I never got a Twitter account but none is needed to access anyone's recent posts which can help clarify what stance a person or entity believe in strongly enough to make public (same with Facebook). Should news reports, official statements and contribution lists be too much to sift through there is a fantastic organization that already does the legwork: https://www.2ndvote.com/; full detailed profiles are only viewable to paying members however company scores and updates in their blog can be seen by anyone.