I confess to being at a loss for words at this time: it is tricky to show wit in light of events with a real potential for triggering a revolt (or worse). I wish it could be proclaimed how the country has been through worse and emerged stronger for it, but it really is unprecedented times we now live in and there is no telling how everything is going to play out. But I will try this at least: nothing like facing national trials so spur a refocus on how We The People can take our own self-sufficient steps. Because this country, like others, is the people & not the government. The justification used in our Declaration of Independence is that the people possess the right to remove and/or replace any government growing too malevolent, oppressive, or in any way "too big for their britches," and the decision to take that drastic step is not arbitrary now at the whim of a few but must be within the will of the people. Determining whether that last criteria may be met is the reason why I, for one of many, support placing on statewide ballot here in Texas a referendum for independence.
If substantive steps were taken towards such a move, our society would (at least temporarily) revert to a point in that individuals and families had to be more rugged and self-sufficient because the communities that mutually-support its members would likely face becoming smaller and more isolated. The capacity to live off the land could become a difference-maker once again as urban and suburban amenities (plus the jobs that fund the ability to afford them) become less accessible due to the socioeconomic instability that, unfortunately, is inevitable even in the most peaceful and altruistic of such revolutionary transitions. Besides: this is only one of many possible scenarios that are considered by the preparedness mindset.
Once again, this type of post is meant to be an overview of generally available USGI equipment and its comparative attributes so that informed acquisition decisions can be made. While I come from a militia mindset (recalling that the militia is composed of every able-bodied male within a certain age range) the point is on meeting basic needs rather than combat. That USGI gear is the focus, although designed for combat, comes because of its availability, time-tested durability, relatively low cost, and all being made in the USA.
Our Two Hostesses In the beginning, there were sleep rolls and haversacks that often required non-intuitive method to stow in a manner that could be comfortably carried. Like sleeping bags, the first US-issue rucksacks were only meant for alpine troops who needed them in that special role. Separate existence gear had existed as a concept for some time but, with the rise in prominence of motor transport in WWII, doctrine held that individual equipment not deemed necessary to the mission was kept in the duffel bag which was in turn driven to the staging area.
M-1956 (the one that actually introduced what is generally known as the ALICE clip), its M-1961 USMC equivalent, and their nylon supplements (both of which happened to be called M-1967), were the last of a long line of load carrying ensembles for US troops that officially eschewed existence gear carried on-person. In the Vietnam era there were a variety of rucksacks available which were favored for acquisition whenever available because regular troops were frequently carrying greater loads than what could be accommodated by the base standard M-1956 even with extra components. As that war came to a close the LINCLOE program, which reached its conclusions on the wisdom of 1) weatherproofing via adoption of nylon as standard fabric and 2) standardizing separate carriable Fighting and Existence Loads for each individual, gave us what we all know [and many of us love] as ALICE.
M-1956 had been a hit back in its day because of how much easier and adaptable it made the carry of a variety of combat loads; ALICE, while designed specifically around the M16 with its 30-round magazines (a restriction easily worked around due to backwards compatibility with previous ensembles), garnered a positive reception still unmatched by any load-carrying ensemble in US history. Its fighting load would be the final US belt-with-suspenders setup that was becoming quaint but still has attributes that make it preferable to vest and chest rig-style successors. It was standardization, thus mass availability, of either a medium (for regular troops) or large (for special missions) rucksack that carried the greatest appeal.
For general issue ALICE was fantastic; British PLCE, Canadian Pattern 82, and a host of other NATO and Commonwealth nation load bearing systems owe much to the innovations of ALICE. Yet it had not even reached its tenth birthday when considerations were made by special troops on how to improve or else augment the ensemble for their purposes (in all fairness, modifying equipment or obtaining improved offerings by commercial vendors is something those types of units do all the time). One of these efforts, IIFS, achieved availability in the supply system and while it augmented ALICE well it never fully replaced it.
What was slated to replace ALICE got a feminine moniker of its own. From what can be ascertained via disparate (and not always consistent) sources, MOLLE started in the late 90s as a joint effort between the USMC to build on IIFS and SOCOM to standardize a refined variant of their exclusive ELCS ensemble. It came to fruition as general issue once it got adopted by the Army as well (Air Force security forces still prefer their own unique web gear). For fighting loads, MOLLE combined the basic components of IIFS with the attachment system of ELCS. The latter is still a favorite both in military and civilian realms because of how much stronger and lighter it is than alternatives (including the comparatively harsh metal clips of ALICE which has spawned its own alternatives in the aftermarket such as MALICE). While it succeeds in its design of superior versatility to ALICE and the components are favored accordingly, the ensemble itself has a reputation for lower levels of comfort and flexibility since all its forms are some variant of chest rig.
MOLLE fighting load configuration reviews are worth more than a separate post: opinion commentaries on them can rival small books; in any case, it will not be covered today for two other good reasons. I am unqualified to offer informed opinion on MOLLE because my current militia loadouts encompass ALICE, IIFS, and M-1967 only thus far. Plus today's post is on existence loads, which are more useful to civilians in general.
All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
The culmination of multiple rucksack designs fielded in Vietnam as well as the reason why fighting loads no longer came standard with a small field pack (aka "butt pack"), these are by no means perfect packs but are good enough to essentially be everyone's favorite. While they stopped being made for issue in the 2000s commercial vendors picked up the slack on ALICE pack production (sometimes with their own improvements to the design). Even issue packs, while aging, remain widely available and are among the most cost-effective rucksacks of their class.
The predecessor rucksacks are either issue packs which are too collectible or aftermarket reproductions that lack quality, while the successors can have various issues of their own; ALICE is so favored because of the happy medium it strikes. There is no official documentation of their capacity in modern cubic-inch terms (maximum weight in pounds was the consideration back in the day): measured estimates find the medium (the one that can be worn with straps on its own) at 2400 in³ while the large (which requires the external frame) can bulk up to 3800 in³ within all its compartments. Note those numbers: things will get more interesting later.
While about the most solid option for a starter military pack there are several considerations that have to be made for ALICE. The older packs have rougher friction buckles; even for the newer packs a favored modification was replacing them all with modern fastex-style. They have regular ALICE-width webbing for attaching components externally which works well enough but in today's market ALICE-clipped items are not as available as those attaching with the MOLLE-type Pouch Attachment Ladder System (you can try adding MOLLE components anyway but it may not work that well). The packs themselves are built out of a lower grade nylon which is not as strong or water resistant as its successors; in wet conditions they were designed to be used with waterproof liners which were issued separately. Finally, their best asset as a combat ruck is also their greatest weakness as a civilian backpack: by keeping a relatively short and narrow profile bulk gets pushed further back instead which can create balance and comfort issues.

External differences make distinguishing the types a cinch even with online pictures. The medium has 3 external pockets of the same size with tunnels (for tools), boasts additional webbing over the large, and was available in later years for issue in M81 woodland camouflage. The large features only two tunneled pockets while the larger center one is not, three smaller pockets above (that happen to be sized right for a pair of M16 magazines each though no indication exists that is what they were designed for), and was issued only in OG-106 (earlier faded green) and CG-483 (later deep green). Another attribute of note is older packs of either size having more eyelets for M-1910 wire hook attachment on their side webbing.
Although not required for medium the frame is still a good thing to have because of how much it is able to stabilize a full load and offer further external attachment options. The initial LC-1 shoulder straps and kidney pad are thinner and not recommended. Cargo shelves are also a great idea for carrying different items so long as they are secured with accompanying straps. The metal frames are sturdy but unable to withstand significant abuse.
Some have gone to town modifying ALICE packs, a testament to the utility of this decades-old design. Not all even necessitate altering the pack itself, just building on it into the 21st century. This manifests, for example, in the Hellcat Pack: put a medium ALICE pack on the regular frame, use the shoulder straps and waist belt from MOLLE then, for an additional option, the MOLLE sleep system carrier is very easily secured to the ventral webbing of the ALICE pack (which IS designed for lashing sleeping gear). Individual Integrated Fighting System
Due to 1985 seeing the final publication of a general guide for issue equipment (FM 21-15), information is obscure on the development process and intent on this ensemble, including whether it was meant to outright replace ALICE with the production of new components that never manifested or if the decision-makers were content all along to have it as the augmentation of ALICE it served as; if the latter, that is a parallel to how M-1967 augmented M-1956 without actually replacing it. The fighting load is simple as it gets since the 8 pouches (for riflemen vests at least; the grenadier vest is impertinent to both militia and civilians) are fixed and cannot be reconfigured. Mating the vest with a regular ALICE belt plus a strip of webbing on the upper back confirms how it is meant to operate with preexisting components.

The existence gear is a somewhat more interesting story. The field pack (sometimes still sold under the CFP-90 moniker) was the first major US military attempt at adopting for troops a commercial hiking pack design for special mission purposes. Its 4200 in³ capacity superseded the large ALICE, while its internal frame and taller (instead of just longer) profile meant it could carry better in conjunction with its added straps. These assets that make it great for carrying are also what make it a poor choice for combat: as it rides too tall it would have to be thrown off under fire lest it become a liability, however those additional straps that make it carry better also make it impossible to detach quickly. At least for the civilian these considerations may not be pertinent and the IIFS pack is an excellent choice if having to haul sustenance on one's back.
The lower compartment is meant for the Extreme Cold Weather Sleep System (covered in a previous post), suggesting IIFS itself was originally meant for alpine or arctic operations. There is also a versatility of carrying options: it comes with a separable patrol pack that can be used by itself, otherwise it can be clipped onto the main pack for an additional 1200 in³ capacity, or the main pack could be worn by itself which enables use of a three-step ladder of additional ALICE webbing. As far as has been ascertained, all IIFS components of genuine issue will be found in M81 Woodland only.
Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment
While the IIFS vest (after some feedback and adjustment in the mid-90s) was received well enough, the existence gear was not so much because of its combat liabilities stated. IIFS even revived the carry of a butt pack so that, in conjunction with the patrol pack, individual carrying capacity would not be stunted in a strict fighting load configuration; in practice this approach reverted to the same problem solved by general issue of the ALICE packs. Wisdom was found in tailoring different size loads in order to manage mission configurations, but it can be argued the effort to bring this to fruition involved reinvention of the wheel.
Just like metal clips and wide webbing are the key identifying attributes of ALICE, thin webbing and its weaving attachment system make everything that uses it a MOLLE component (even when it technically is not). It must be conceded PALS is an improvement: considering how troops using ALICE were known to eschew the metal clips (in some cases even the suspender hooks) in favor of softer 550 ("para") cord, a secure means of attachment via interweaving fabric would be most welcome. No, the problems with MOLLE stem from trying to be everything to everyone and, in the process, leaving behind the beloved ALICE packs in one of the numerous instances of bureaucracy attempting to "fix what ain't broke."
Modularity is its greatest attribute and that may endear it better to the civilian than the soldier. MOLLE components are build with a stronger nylon than ALICE (those made for military issue, of course), and so many aftermarket components have been made PALS-compatible that configuration options are virtually endless. In fact, the aftermarket may be worth its own exploration: one can choose from a tremendous variety of packs of all sizes, but also the same for fighting loads which range from a straight chest rig to a traditional battle belt style and everything in-between. However small or narrow a core component and most accessories can be found, more often than not they have PALS webbing of their own for attaching even more; ergo, the sky really is the limit for customization.
Keeping it simple, this post will conclude with overview of US-issue existence load components. Again, a disclaimer: I have handled, but do not yet own, any examples of these yet so my perspective is limited. Fortunately, there is extensive official documentation on each of these and that has been the reference. Through the Generations
Like ECWCS, MOLLE up to this point has progressed through 3 generations...albeit there are officially 2, but the mid-2000s redesign of MOLLE II was, if anything, a greater transition than from MOLLE I to II. All components, save those in coyote tan made for USMC issue, are in any of the various camouflages used by the US Army during this era and there is enough of a consistency to make quick distinctions. MOLLE I was only ever in M81 Woodland, but as it was never extensively issued its parts are now uncommon. Apart from the way the fighting load is built and interfaces with existence loads (the real key distinction between MOLLE I & II), the original core components of the MOLLE pack system are near-identical. The same Main Pack and Sleep System Carrier (made specifically for the Modular Sleep System) gets used in both generations; the only difference is the awkward frame attachment system that never really worked right is ditched in II. The Butt Pack is like the one from IIFS in I while the redesigned Waist Pack remains standard in II to this day. Also similar to IIFS, a Patrol Pack was available that could be worn either by itself or clipped onto the Main Pack; the rare 1200 in³ original is not worth seeking except for collectors since II kept the same basic configuration but upgraded its capacity to 1500 in³. This initial configuration that has the ruck and sleeping carrier separate is only found in M81 Woodland or [3-color] Day Desert camouflage.
The 3000 in³ Main Pack is one of the hybrid components of MOLLE, featuring a nice long strip of ALICE-compatible webbing. Backwards compatibility was only peripherally part of the design: MOLLE was made to accommodate older accessories via adapters that provide both a strip of ALICE webbing and a couple of eyelets for wire hook items. All MOLLE issues include a bandoleer for 6 extra M16 magazines, and a pocket on the Main Pack is made to house either it or a claymore mine (the latter, obviously, does not pertain to civilians).
On the eve of the Army's misguided UCP camouflage transition, MOLLE II got a minor overhaul on the existence load side. The Patrol Pack was replaced with an Assault Pack with an increased total capacity of 2350 in³, including a 825 in³ front pocket intended as the new home for the bandoleer/claymore (note how close that is the medium ALICE pack). Concurrently, the Main Pack and Sleep System Carrier were superseded by a combined Large Rucksack that offered 3730 in³ (plus more via attaching any of the 500 in³ Sustainment Pouches, but again, note how close that is to the capacity of a large ALICE pack). What survived the transition was the 350 in³ Waist Pack, which only lost one if its available means of donning due to discontinuation of the Main Pack.
Because of the timing, the new components were initially issued only in 3-color desert camouflage; M81 Woodland examples exist, but they never officially made it to the supply chain thus all examples are only commercial. They are most commonly found in UCP or OCP; the former may be a terrible camouflage for the militia, but as those are currently the MOLLE packs most accessible on the secondhand market at this time they may be the best choice for the enterprising civilian who has no reason to care about such details. Online searches suggest the easiest components to find in desert camouflage are the Main Pack/Sleep System Carrier combination and the Assault Pack, with the Large Rucksack and Patrol Pack more rare. Again, the original combination is the only issue type available if going for M81 Woodland, yet it seems not to matter what the camouflage or generation when it comes to Patrol Packs: they must be the highest demand because they are the most expensive for what they offer. One of the chief problem troops had with MOLLE was broken frames: do the necessary research to find a current generation build from Down East Innovation because none of the previous iterations have a reputation of being able to survive the rigors of the field and, as with large ALICE, there is no carrying a ruck (either Main Pack or Large Rucksack) comfortably sans frame. There is a more recent Medium Ruck of 3000in³ (how ironic: see the capacity of the original Main Pack) and 4000 in³ Airborne Ruck, neither of which are probably worth bothering with until prices come down. Finally it is worth bearing in mind that, even if MOLLE existence loads are eschewed, individual MOLLE components can still be worthwhile.